Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood “Women’s Health” October 2010–Health Conscious Animal Lover

Carrie Underwood "Women's Health" October 2010

Carrie Underwood "Women's Health" October 2010

Carrie Underwood is on the cover of Women’s Health magazine for its October 2010 issue, available on the stands now.

Inside Underwood reveals that although she’s extremely health conscious, her primary reason for eating vegetarian is her love of animals.

“I’m a vegetarian because I love animals. I grew up on a farm and they were all my pets! So the thought of me or someone else eating my pets kind of freaked me out at a young age.”

Underwood also interviewed with the magazine in 2009. Then, she gave more details on the events leading to her giving up meat.

“There was a traumatic incident that made me stop eating beef. My parents were banding cattle [a nasty form of castration]. When I asked why, I was told that it makes them bigger. And it hit me that these cute little animals that were running around playing would become someone’s dinner. Eating them made me feel guilty.”

Choosing not to eat animals naturally allowed her to achieve and maintain optimum health, which she says included dropping an extra 15 pounds.

“We only have one body apiece and it’s going to expire sometime, and I’m going to make sure it’s a long, long time from now.”

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