Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve Wynn Gambles On Vegan Food At His Casino Restaurants

Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn may no longer be gambling with his health. The operator of Wynn and other casinos in Sin City is rumored to have gone vegan and is extending this deal to patrons at his casinos.

Wynn has ordered every one of the restaurants on his Vegas properties to offer vegan menu items, including vegan desserts.

Elizabeth Turner, editor-in-chief of Vegetarian Times suggested the option was similar to letting poker playing vegans let loose at an amusement park.

“This would be like having vegan menu options at every food outlet at Disneyland,” said Turner. “I wonder if Steve Wynn is really vegan, but even if he isn’t, he’s sort of recognizing that this is a growing need.”

According to green gossip site Ecorazzi, some of the meals available at the casinos are, “Fava Bean Puree with sautéed hon shimeji mushrooms, snap pea salad and aged balsamic vinegar, Risotto con Verdure di Stagione, and Watermelon Gazpacho with avocado, jicama, tomato, cucumber, cilantro and yucca crisp.”

Sure sounds like a good hand to play and eat with.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Steve Wynn Gambles On Vegan Food At His Casino Restaurants”

  1. Rob Says:

    Now THAT’S Las Vegan!

  2. Trinity Says:

    Best news today!