Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Moby’s Almond Milk Recipe


The best cooks do it without measuring, right? Either that or the end product is a horrible mess.

Given the fact Moby has been a vegan for over two decades, it’s safe to say when he whips up his homemade almond milk without following instructions, it’s a success.

When asked to describe how he makes almond milk, the musician replied, “I just take almonds and water and put them in a blender for 45 seconds, and then strain out the chunks of almond.”

Sounds simple enough and as Grist points out, making your own milk reduces your carbon footprint since there’s less packaging and other materials involved in buying almonds in bulk versus a pretty carton on the shelf.

So be a non-measuring chef this week and give Moby’s almond milk a try. For something thicker, add more almonds. More water for the opposite.

Photo: PR Photos

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