Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Dorm Room Diet” Giveaway At Vegetarian Star

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

Good things in life are free, but the best things in life are free and vegetarian.

This week, we’re kicking off an exciting opportunity for you to receive a book full of recipes, health and nutrition tips, green advice and more! As mentioned earlier, The Dorm Room Diet has recently been revised by author Daphne Oz, who’s famous father, Dr. Mehmet Oz, can be seen on daytime TV and has even introduced a few people to vegetarianism himself.

We’re giving away one copy of The Dorm Room Diet to one lucky reader and will post an interview with Daphne tomorrow.

More information on the giveaway will be given when it starts later this week, so stay tuned!

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2 Responses to ““The Dorm Room Diet” Giveaway At Vegetarian Star”

  1. ella Says:

    I would love to win this. I am going to college soon and I am slightly worried about what kind of impact that will have on my diet – plus, I’m a vegetarian.

  2. “The Dorm Room Diet” Giveaway–Get A Tip, Give A Tip Day 1 Says:

    […] As promised, we’re giving away one free copy of the The Dorm Room Diet by Daphne Oz. Daphne’s book is full of tips to help you stay healthy while being kind to the […]