Quantcast Vegetarian StarLauren Bush Says Obesity And Malnutrition Have Same Cause

Lauren Bush

Nutrition and fitness experts have always warned that deprivation leads to excess eating. So it makes sense that those who are the neediest–when they finally attain food–gorge themselves on not only copious amounts of food, but the high sugar, high fat, empty carbohydrate type leading to obesity.

Lauren Bush, founder of the FEED Projects, recognizes the correlation and now that she’s started FEED USA to combat hunger in the U.S., she’s thinks it’s a perfect platform to tackle childhood obesity as the answer is not to restrict food from the obese but provide them with ample amounts of healthier choices.

“The people that are focused on ending hunger, and the people that are focused on ending obesity often don’t seem to get along – the people that are trying to end hunger are trying to get more food to people while the people trying to end obesity are trying to get less food to people,” the lifelong vegetarian said, according to Fox.

“But at the end of the day, they are both problems of malnutrition, and I think the first step is that we at Feed Foundation sort of facilitate the conversation about let’s put aside our differences today about the anti-hunger and anti-obesity camps and let’s talk about what we would like to see as a healthier food system in the coming years. I think things like sustainable agriculture and regional food systems and access to fruits and vegetables will be things that pop out when we get the chief stake holders together.”

The FEED USA component of her charitable business is still in development with Donorschoose.org, a site where donors vote on a school project where teachers receive funds to make the idea a reality.

Is nutrition even taught in classrooms anymore? Would love to see a Meatless Monday curriculum developed that teaches kids how eating more plant based protein helps combat obesity, fights hunger, and makes you a smarter student. Or how about funds that allow teachers to hand out vegetarian protein bars instead of cookies and milk during snack time?

Photo: PR Photos

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