Quantcast Vegetarian StarPete Bethune On Sea Shepherd’s Vegan Food Policy

Pete Bethune On Sea Shepherd’s Vegan Food Policy

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 2nd, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Pete Bethune

Pete Bethune participated in a chat interview where several dozens of people jumped at the chance to ask the famous ex Sea Shepherd member questions about his life and philosophy on animals, the planet and food.
Although Sea Shepherd broke its ties with Bethune after learning he brought bow and arrows on a mission, he still speaks fondly of the organization, especially regarding its policy of eating vegan on the boat. People usually don’t complain about being hungry, for example.

“It is a good thing because many non-Vegans realize it is fine. Some people can change to Vegan / vegetarian through this and some don’t. For many people, getting to be Vegan is like an evolution. Many of us were raised in meat families, and we don’t just one day go Vegan. It takes time. I believe Sea Shepherd is good because it gives people the opportunity to experience it with chefs that really know how to cook good Vegan food.”

So what about that story about Pete eating the eye-fillet, otherwise known as a beef tenderloin for the animal flesh naive?

“Yes, I did eat eye fillet. I am not perfect. And, I ate three meals on the flight home. I couldn’t help myself. Since then, I have gone back to vegetarian. But, it is not an absolute for me.”

“I guess I am on a transition. I respect people who are Vegan, but I have been all my life in a family who are not. And, it is not so easily to suddenly be Vegan. I am not perfect. And, I believe in the future I will be totally Vegan. But I am not today.”

Hey, most people don’t pop out of the womb vegan, do they? Every vegan made the transition and best of luck to Pete!

Visit part 1 and part 2 of the interview at All Voices.

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3 Responses to “Pete Bethune On Sea Shepherd’s Vegan Food Policy”

  1. Ron Says:

    How in the hell did Watson get so fat eating nothing but vegetables. Probably just another lie from the king of media whores.

  2. Seb Says:

    Ron… vegan don’t just eat vegetables… The most concentrated calorie sources are vegan (vegetable oil and sugars). Just like there’s many way to eat a omnivore or vegetarian or whatever diet there’s many way to eat vegan and there’s different body type for the people on those diet. Not all vegan are skinny, some are fat (there’s less fat vegan than omnivore tho) some are muscular but most are just normal just like omnivores.

  3. Taking It Mainstream: Veganism Fits Every Cause | Vegan Mainstream Says:

    […] personally, I’m not the biggest fan of captain Paul Watson, but his policy for members to eat strictly vegan meals during their stint on the organization’s ships falls in line with treating all animals […]