Quantcast Vegetarian StarMario Batali “Eataly” Features Completely Vegetarian Restaurant (Video)

Mario Batali

Mario Batali and business partner Joe Bastianach are still working on the food emporium in New York that will feature seven restaurants, one being a vegetarian and vegan one.

The goal is to open Eataly in Manhattan sometime this year.

Batali spoke to Slashfood about the details of the vegetarian restaurant that will compliment others serving pasta, pizza, meat items and a brewpub to make up the complex.

Highlights of the restaurant include a vegetable bar where diners can enjoy greens either raw or steamed, stuffed vegetables, rice salad and seven different kinds of vegan soup. More on the food megaplex below.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Mario Batali “Eataly” Features Completely Vegetarian Restaurant (Video)”

  1. Mario Batali Vegetarian Cookbook Coming Soon Says:

    […] has already implemented Meatless Mondays in his restaurants and a new maga restaurant complex he plans to open later this year in Manhattan called Eataly will feature a restaurant that is completely […]