Adam Levine Of “Maroon 5” Gives Meaty Definition Of Vegetarian
Written by Vegetarian Star on July 27th, 2010 in Celebrity Tweets, Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Not So Vegetarian.
Some people mistakenly call eating chicken or fish or only abstaining from red meat vegetarian. Adam Levine calls vegetarian what he promises to do every time he comes home from the steakhouse.
During a recent Tweet, Levine wrote, “Being a vegetarian usually consists of eating a steak and promising that tomorrow I will start being a vegetarian.”
Ah, man. And we loved this guy for gobbling up Ani Phyo’s vegan chocolates on Halloween.
Perhaps the Maroon 5 singer should pull a Graham Hill and eat vegetarian during the week only? The founder of green lifestyle website Treehugger summed it up at a speech given during a TED conference when he said, “If all of us ate half as much meat, it would be like half of us were vegetarians.” And by going vegetarian, each person saves approximately 5,000 lbs. of carbon emissions per year.
So go ahead Adam and be a flexitarian. Save your conscious, animals and the environment by staying away from the steakhouse Monday-Friday.
We can work through the weekend morning after guilt later.
Photo: PR Photos
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