Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Bold Native” ALF Film Producer Previous Affair With McDonald’s

Bold Native

Bold Native

A Bold Native premiere will be hosted tonight by vegan businessman Russell Simmons. The fictional film depicts the story of an Animal Liberation Front member wanted by authorities and his corporate employee father who’s trying to reach his son before officers do.

Girlie Girl Army interviewed a few key figures from the film, including Denis Henry Hennelly, writer and director; Casey Suchan, producer and editor; and Joaquin Pastor who plays the main character. There is irony in the fact that Suchan used to work for McDonald’s and took home some of his wages in “Big Macs” before rethinking the ethics of his food choices.

“I was working in Chicago in independent film but I was making money working in commercials for McDonald’s and other fast food commercials. I was really broke and taking over the leftovers from catering, so when I met Denis I had a freezer full of leftover pork from a McDonald’s commercial. We started working together and Denis started talking to me about the issues. I wasn’t really listening, but at the same time I wasn’t eating much meat anymore. One day I finally picked up Diet for a New America, which Denis had been telling me to read forever. I was completely vegetarian for over 6 months when the animal issue really hit me. It was almost like I had to stop eating animals for long enough that I was able to let go of my guilt and denial.”

More at Girlie Girl Army.

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