Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlton Brown Takes Bluefin Tuna Off “Iron Chef America” Menu

Alton Brown | Credit Jen Segrest Wikimedia Commons

Alton Brown | Credit Jen Segrest Wikimedia Commons

Alton Brown has seen to it that bluefin tuna will no longer be used on Iron Chef America.

The host of the Food Network show had previously said he would boycott Nobu restaurant until it removed the endangered species from the menu. Recently, however, Makoto Okuwa served up a dish using bluefin tuna belly, which prompted a food blogger to address Brown about the issue, according to LA Weekly.

Brown considered the removal of the fish from the show a done deal.

On another victorious note, Iron Chef Michael Symon beat Makoto without serving any endangered species for dinner.

Bluefin tuna falls under numerous names, including Kuromaguro, Horse Mackerel and Atun de aleta azul. The Monterray Bay Aquarium lists it as being severely overfished in all oceans and the Environmental Defense Fund has issued a health advisory for high levels of mercury in the fish.

In addition, harvesting methods result in much by-catch, or unwanted fish, which results in the death of more marine life like sea turtles.

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