Quantcast Vegetarian StarKellan Lutz Receives Vh1 “Do Something” For The Animals Award For PETA Ad

Kellan Lutz

Kellan Lutz

Eclipse hottie Kellan Lutz received a Vh1 Do Something award during the ceremony that was broadcasted live Monday night. The awards are meant to recognize people committed to social change.

Lutz was honored with the Do Something for the Animals award for his PETA ad encouraging people to adopt versus buy a pet.

Interacting with his canine co-star for the photo shoot probably came quite naturally, as Lutz claims he was a genuine Dr. Doolittle and had great conversation with the animals as a kid.

“I used to think I was Dr. Doolittle, or Kellan Doolittle,” he said. “I used to think I could talk to the animals because … my older brothers would pick on me and I had no friends because we moved around a lot.”

“So I would hang out with the pigs in the pig pen. I would hang out with the miniature pony. I would hang out with the dogs, the golden retrievers on the farm, which I loved, and the stray cats.”

The award was presented to Lutz by comedian Kathy Griffin, who praised the adoption campaign.

Also present that evening was Glee star Jane Lynch, who’s already made her PETA debut with a promo for spaying and neutering. Lynch opened the ceremony, or shall we say dozens of Lynches opened. The actress was flanked by several lookalikes on stage at Hollywood’s Palladium, which she described as being enough to make “my narcissistic dreams come true.”

A photo of Lynch’s fantasy can be viewed at the LA Times.

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