Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Munn Protests Ringling, Linda Hogan Wants Anti-Animal Abuse Circus

Olivia Munn PETA

Olivia Munn PETA

Olivia Munn joined protesters from Last Chance for Animals and PETA in Los Angeles  Staples Center recently to speak against Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey, which is performing in the city through Sunday.

Munn said, “When you look at something like the circus and everyone’s laughing and there’s color and there’s music and everything seems so great. But when you go right behind that door and they’re in these crates all day long and then they’re getting shocked and beat just so they can get up and dance around on a ball … it was just so sickening.”

That Laist reports that according to the Huffington Post, Hulk Hogan’s ex wife Linda mentioned that circuses wouldn’t be so bad if animal weren’t abused in them.

No kidding. Who wouldn’t rather see humans jumping and flipping through hoops and twisting themselves in positions you thought only your cat could do. Instead of buying a ticket to a Ringling Bros. show, check out the tour schedule of Animal-Free Circuses, like the popular Cirque du Soleil.

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