Quantcast Vegetarian StarZooey Deschanel Sometimes Needs A Little Meat

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel has already revealed her multiple food allergies made attempting to be vegetarian and vegan a nightmare.

Soy, wheat, dairy and eggs are all no-nos. At the end of the day that leaves little left in terms of vegetable protein (rice, legumes) so Zooey gave in and welcomed meat into her life.

“I gave it a good try, but sometimes you just need a little something, a little meat,” she said.

Hopefully, this sometimes is very rare and not the norm, but is this a valid excuse?

Should Zooey sacrifice taste and seek boredom eating quinoa five times a day, every day, if it means adhering to the principles of being vegetarian? Or is she a case of someone, much like some have compared natives of an island who fish or hunt, who has little choice and control over her food?

Photo: PR Photos


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4 Responses to “Zooey Deschanel Sometimes Needs A Little Meat”

  1. Dianne Says:

    I’m allergic to the same foods – wheat, soy, eggs and dairy – along with nuts and corn. I’m vegan and I’m doing really well! Based on the research of people like T. Colin Cambell and John MacDougal, I don’t believe anyone really needs meat to be healthy.

  2. Katherine Says:

    I was disappointed when I read that she was no longer a vegan 🙁
    But I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to judge what someone else eats, especially when there is the person’s health to consider.

    I know that there are wheat & soy free vegan items out there, if I were her I would just deal with it and stick to my ethics, but I stil understand that going out to eat would be a challenge.

    Kudos for her for lasting as long as she did though.

  3. monica Says:

    It’s not a matter of how easy or not easy it is, because I know a lot of vegans who are lazy and just eat the exact same vegan junk food every day. It comes down to your principles. If you truly believe that something is wrong, you won’t do it, no matter how inconvenient it is not to. I find it’s getting people to change their priorities that’s the challenge.

  4. Jersey Jenn Says:

    My daughter has the exact same allergies and it is very challenging … there are no vegan police. She has to do what she has to do and what she chooses isn’t really ours to judge.