Quantcast Vegetarian StarRocsi Diaz BET “106 And Park” Host Says Adopt With PETA2

Rocsi Diaz, host of BET’s music video countdown show, 106 and Park, invited her dog Chi Chi to co-host a special announcement with PETA2 urging the adoption of pets versus buying them in stores.

Diaz and Chi Chi are cute as buttons, but wouldn’t it be great it one day there wasn’t a need for PSAs like these? If people won’t adopt cats, dogs and other animals voluntarily, maybe law will require they rescue shelter animals instead.

San Francisco is considering a ban on selling all animals except fish at pet stores to decrease the numbers of euthanized animals every year. So far, the idea has generated so much controversy that the city’s Animal Control & Welfare Commission has tabled the vote for at least another month.

Some of the questions proposed are the fact that such a ban might affect the livelihoods of pet store owners, especially in an already shaking economy. But the morality of what pet stores often promote–breeds, poor living conditions, and animals that come home with medical problems–is too much to ignore.

Is there a middle ground to reach? What if pet stores were only allowed to sell rescue and shelter pets?

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