Meatless Mouthful–Emily Deschanel Eco Fashion Favorites
Written by Vegetarian Star on July 1st, 2010 in Actresses, Environment-Eco-Green, Fashion, Meatless Mouthful.
“I love Loyale! I wear their tops a lot, and they have great everyday pieces, which I just adore. Bahar Shahpar has beautiful skirts and dresses. Other labels I like are Organic by John Patrick (another great label for everyday pieces), Linda Loudermilk (the mother of green design can be very inventive), and EcoSkin for casual dresses. For shoes, I love Beyond Skin, they have a wonderfully huge selection of shoes, I specifically love the vintage-y looking pieces. Olsenhaus is a new line I’m just loving. I’m obsessed with the holographic shoes! And then of course, Stella McCartney is the first big designer not to use leather. Her shoes are expensive but so worth it. They’re very well-made. Also, Cri de Coeur makes some great boots.”
—Emily Deschanel, on her favorite eco-friendly fashions.
Photo: PR Photos
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