Quantcast Vegetarian StarLilith Fair Partners With ASPCA–Win Tickets For Animal Activism

The American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has partnered with the music festival founded by animal activist and supporter of ASPCA, Sarah McLachlan.

The organization is giving away 30 pairs of tickets to the Lilith Fair to female activists who work to end animal cruelty and homelessness.

To enter, simply write in 300 words or less why you or someone you know deserves to win based on your or that person’s activist record.

The tour kicks off July 2nd, and winners will be notified throughout the summer at least 5 days prior to the concert date. A grand prize winner, who will receive a guitar signed by each Lilith Fair artist, will be announced at the end of the tour.

McLachlan recorded a PSA for the animal rights organization that has her hit song “Angel” playing in the background, which can be viewed above.

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