Quantcast Vegetarian StarJonathan Safran Foer–Study Supports Most Want Ethical Food

Jonathan Safran Foer. Credit: David Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

Credit David Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

Jonathan Safran Foer has an interview with Good.is where he recalls a recent poll he read that discovered most people are willing for fork over extra dough for what goes on their fork.

“I just read a recent poll that 70 percent of Americans are willing to spend more money for more ethically produced food. This isn’t San Francisco or New York; it’s the whole country. That’s an amazing number. People care about this stuff.”

The study, more than likely is from the national survey conducted by Context Marketing, which not only found 7 out of 10 people willing to pay more for ethical food, but 70% believe it’s better for the environment, 60% believe it’s healthier and 58% believe it’s safer to consume.

“Consumers are paying more attention to ethical brand claims as a way to identify foods that are of higher quality as well as to support brands they see acting in a socially responsible way,” said Context Marketing principal Bob Kenney, who acknowledges that ethical is a term used loosely, but is mainly used to define food that is less harsh on the environment, meets strict safety standards and treats farm animals more humanely.

The study also found that woman and young adults are more responsive to ethical claims on products.

For more information and to read the report, visit Context Marketing.

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