Quantcast Vegetarian Star“French Fries To Go” In Your Own Vehicle

Kill Bill actress Daryl Hannah enjoys some romantic time with a new boyfriend in Malibu, CA on June 12, 2010 where the two walked hand in hand along Paradise Cove and kissed overlooking the breaking surf. Fame Pictures, Inc

Daryl Hannah says she likes traveling with French Fries To Go director Harris Chard.

“I travel with him because he enjoys other cultures and people. He is fascinated about learning, well – everything!”

French Fries To Go is an award winning documentary that follows the journey to convert the first city bus in the nation to 100% biodiesel from used vegetable oil. If you’re interested in driving a vehicle fueled by veggie oil that doesn’t require a chauffeur’s license, there are numerous vegetable oil conversion kits that are reviewed here, which can either be installed yourself or by a mechanic.

You may also have questions about what your investment in converting such a vehicle will do.

Frybrid, one of the manufacturers of such a kit, has provided a Q & A section on their website to answer your burning questions such as “Will this void my warranty?” to “Which vehicles are the best candidates for vegetable oil conversion?

The first obvious question to answer is, of course, where to get the oil. Restaurants are a a good source, but don’t just go dumpster diving from french fry grease, as you need to get permission first. Frybrid explains:

“To use waste oil you should develop relationships with local restaurants. Currently most restaurants either have to pay to have a rendering company pick up their waste oil or they get paid pennies on the gallon. The restaurant may be happy to cancel their contract with the rendering company and put their oil in a container you supply.”

“Once the oil is in the rendering company’s dumpster it belongs to the rendering company, and pumping from this dumpster is theft, even if the restaurant gives you permission. Theft of waste oil is a growing concern in the rendering industry. Removing waste oil from a dumpster belonging to a rendering company is stealing, it is illegal just as shoplifting is and will be treated as such by the police.”

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