Quantcast Vegetarian StarWill Sarah Silverman Win PETA’s World Sexiest Vegetarian?

Sarah Silverman "The Bedwetter"

Sarah Silverman "The Bedwetter"

PETA is kicking off the annual World’s Sexiest Vegetarian contest and funny former bedwetter Sarah Silverman has some stiff competition, competing against the likes of women like Alicia Silverstone, Lea Michele and Erykah Badu.

Who doesn’t love a woman who can throw humor into a poignant story that involved slaughtering animals, which ultimately caused her to give them up?

From her book, The Bedwetter, Silverman writes on the experience of watching a turkey being killed on a neighbor’s farm:

“Without realizing it, I had sentenced that turkey to death, and while maybe this sort of thing gave fat British monarchs a rush, to me it was horrifying.”

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