Quantcast Vegetarian StarJenna Jameson Says Cut Chicken Nuggets, Leather Products For A Difference (Video)

Jenna Jameson has recorded a PSA for PETA for their McCruelty “I’m Hatin’ It” campaign against McDonald’s for the fast food giant’s refusal to switch to a less painful method of slaughtering its chickens, Controlled Atmosphere Killing.

In addition to Jameson’s PSA below, there is an interview session where she encourages people to make small differences in their lives by at least reducing the amounts of animal based products they consume.

“You don’t have to become a vegetarian if it’s too much for you. Just small steps. Cut out the (chicken) nuggets. Cut out leather products.”

“Most people out there have compassion for animals. And you don’t really have to watch the things that make you cry or hurt you, but for me that’s what changed me. I needed to watch those things,” she says regarding footage of animals in factory farms and slaughter houses, which made her boycott McDonald’s.

Watch the PSA below.

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