Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz To Men–Grab Your Balls, Eat Your Nuts

May 08, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - DR. MEHMET OZ arriving at O, The Oprah Magazine's 10th Anniversary ''Live Your Best Life'' Event at jacob javits Center in New York City on 05-08-2010. 2010..K64747HMc. © Red Carpet Pictures

Once upon a time Dr. Oz was a processed food, steak loving junkie. Then, he met his wife Lisa, the vegetarian, who, although not able to bring him completely over to the veg side, has improved his eating dramatically after he followed what doctor wife ordered.

Known to give advice that follows eating more plant based foods for proteins, Oz recently recommended eating nuts for the brain and examining the testicles for the health of where some men may store their brains.

This advice was given in Oz’s “25 Greatest Men’s Health Tips” printed in Natural Awakenings magazine.

“Nuts are among the best sources of healthful fats and protein around. I keep a bag of walnuts in my fridge and use their massive dose of omega-3 fatty acids to boost my brainpower while I see patients. Half a handful eaten about 30 minutes before a meal will temper your appetite and help you avoid the drive-thru.”

Avocado means “testicle” in Aztec, according to Oz, which is what your own nuts should resemble if healthy. So don’t forget to examine your jewels, preferably not while consuming guacamole. Here’s how:

“I strongly urge you to grab your testicles and check them for bumps at least once a month,” Oz continues on advice to prevent testicular cancer. Each testicle should feel smooth and slightly soft, and one should hang slightly lower than the other, like two avocados (which, in Aztec, actually means “testicles”) growing on a tree.”

Oz told us when he eats his nuts (before seeing patients), but not when he grabs them.

Thank goodness for privacy policies regarding medical information.

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