Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Asks Putin For Help In Ending Canada Seal Slaughter

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Pamela Anderson has asked Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for his help in ending the annual seal hunt in her home country of Canada.

Putin has already seen Russia end killing baby seals in their hunt and Anderson is hoping he will extend a hand in ending the Canadian one as well.

“My friends at PETA and I were pleased to see a recent slideshow spotlighting your fondness for animals. Since you’ve already banned the slaughter of baby seals in Russia, I’m writing to ask that you also ban seal-pelt imports from my native Canada, where almost all seals who are killed are three months of age or younger.”

“Such a ban would embrace a worldwide trend – the U.S., the European Union, and Mexico have banned seal imports, and world leaders such as U.S. President Barack Obama and His Holiness The Dalai Lama have spoken up for seals. PETA gathered more than 50,000 signatures on a petition, which I delivered in Canada earlier this year, calling for an end to the annual seal massacre. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time and consideration.”

Anderson has been politically involved with the seal hunt for years, and recently also delivered a letter to Canadian Ambassador to the U.S., Gary Doer, questioning him on possible government subsidies given to hunters in the wake of decreasing demand for pelts.

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