“The Onion” Mocks Circus Treatment Of Elephants
Written by Vegetarian Star on June 3rd, 2010 in Animal Issues, Humor.

The Onion
Satirical news source The Onion, has written a hilarious piece on how elephants awe crowds at the circus, inserting random snide remarks about the circus’ treatment of the giant creatures and the resulting physical and psychological stress the animals endure.
Quotes from families that attended are recorded, such as the one from 5-year old Jonah Meeks, who, after “mistaking the elephants’ constant swaying for something that wasn’t a maladaptive behavior caused by serious psychological trauma,” said “I can dance like an elephant, too. Look at me!”
“Attending the circus with her grandparents, Gretchen Anderson, 4, was delighted by Topsy and by the other pachyderms as well. “There’s his mama,” Anderson said of an elephant unrelated to Topsy, who has not seen his parents since being torn away from them shortly after birth, and last nestled up to his mother when he tried to suckle at her corpse shortly after poachers killed her. “They have a big happy family.””
Reduced socialization, damaged joints and shackles on feet are also touched on.
More at The Onion.
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