Quantcast Vegetarian StarDan Piraro Bizarro iPhone Application

Dan Piraro Bizarro iPhone Application

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 3rd, 2010 in Animal Issues, Cartoonists, Food & Drink, Humor, Tech.

Like cartoonist’s Dan Piraro‘s humor combining vegetarian issues and animal rights? There’s an app for that!

The vegan who runs Bizarro.com has an iphone application that allows users to download a fresh comic every day.

“Boy, am I excited about it! I’ve been working for months with some very cool app designers here in NYC and we’ve come up with a new innovation in the comics-for-phones field!” Piraro blogged.

Dan Piraro Bizarro iphone app

Dan Piraro Bizarro iphone app

“Previously, with other comics apps, you could only buy a given number of cartoons and cram them into your phone and when you’d seen them all, that was that. Could take you ten minutes, could take you ten years.”

“With the Bizarro app, a NEW COMIC is added EVERY DAY! (The same comic that appears in newspapers.) PLUS, at any given time there is a YEAR’S ARCHIVE of comics that can be accessed super easy and fast from a handy-dandy calendar page.”

The app sells for $1.99 a year at itunes, but Piraro says if the demand gets high, he may up that price to $10,000 per week, so you better take advantage of the price while you can.

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