Quantcast Vegetarian StarChantelle Houghton PETA Ad Anti Limp Wiener, Pro Vegetarian

Chantelle Houghton PETA

Chantelle Houghton PETA

There’s nothing worse than a limp wiener.

Chantelle Houghton agrees and has posed in this PETA ad for vegetarianism that asks, “Eating Meat Got You Down? Fight Impotence. Go Vegetarian.”

Can’t agree more. Those beef and turkey wieners, for example, can’t stand up to the job during an afternoon grill out but Tofurky and Lightlife vegetarian versions–wow, those guys last for hours.

The 2006 Celebrity Big Brother winner has been vegetarian since a kid and stopped consuming dairy after reading the best selling book Skinny Bitch.

If you learn anything about health today guys and gals, it’s that eating saturated fat filled, artery clogging meat may lead to obesity, diabetes and blocking blood flow to the “essential” organs.

Or, as PETA puts it, “What goes on the barbecue has a lot to do with what goes on – or doesn’t go on – in the bedroom.”

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One Response to “Chantelle Houghton PETA Ad Anti Limp Wiener, Pro Vegetarian”

  1. Chantelle Houghton Stands Outside Smithfield Market With Vegetarian Ad Says:

    […] Houghton stands outside the largest wholesale meat market in the UK, Smithfield, next to her PETA vegetarian ad that associates eating meat with erectile […]