Quantcast Vegetarian StarWhale Wars Season 3 Premieres During Pete Bethune Trial (Video)

Season 3 of Whale Wars premieres this Friday at 9PM E/P, during the same week activist Pete Bethune‘s trial began for an alleged assault in Japan.

According to the Daily News, the prosecutor said Bethune threw an rancid butter bomb which injured a Japanese crewman, causing burns to his face.

According to Bethune, it was no more harmful that eating a chunk of the cholesterol, saturated filled spread on a piece of bread.

“It’s organic and biodegradable and would not harm anyone,” Bethune said.

Watch the sneak peak for this Friday’s premiere.

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One Response to “Whale Wars Season 3 Premieres During Pete Bethune Trial (Video)”

  1. monica Says:

    *sigh* I want to watch this show so badly but, alas, I don’t get Animal Planet.