Quantcast Vegetarian StarErykah Badu On “JET Magazine” Cover

Erykah Badu On “JET Magazine” Cover

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 28th, 2010 in Female Singers.

JET Erykah Badu

JET Erykah Badu

Erykah Badu is featured on the cover of JET Magazine, a publication geared toward African-Americans that covers topics such as politics, entertainment, health and beauty.

A sneak peak at the contents of her interview inside from Bossip:

“In the new issue of JET, the outspoken singer sounds off about controversial video, motherhood and more. Gearing up for her Out My Mind, Just In Time multi-city tour, the mother of three tells Jet¹s Senior Writer Clarence Waldron that she’s not moved by the recent controversy about her artistry or anyone’s opinion about her in general.”

Will the vegan who’s never shied away from discussing her diet with the press talk about the veggie snacks she feeds to daughter Puma? Or what the Healthy School Meals Act means to her as a mother of vegan children?

The issue with Badu hits the stands on May 31, 2010.

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2 Responses to “Erykah Badu On “JET Magazine” Cover”

  1. Erykah Badu “Vibe” June/July 2010 Discusses Diet, Family Choices Says:

    […] there was the JET issue, and now Vibe features Badu on the June/July 2010 […]

  2. David Early Says:

    I’m so glad for Erykah. I copped it yesterday and the interview was fantastic. I can’t wait to see her on tour.