Quantcast Vegetarian StarLions Head To Bob Barker Supported Refuge Under Bolivian Circus Animal Ban Law

Lion Yawning

Several lion cubs freed under the new law banning animals in circuses in Bolivia will make their new home at the Performing Animal Welfare Society in California that has received generous donations from Bob Barker, vegetarian and former Price Is Right host and animal activist.

Last year, Bolivia banned animals from circuses following undercover investigation by London based group Animal Defenders International, which uncovered severe abuse of the animals. Circus operators were given a year to comply after the law took effect, and groups are trying to find ways to rescue the animals before they are “discarded” by handlers in a less humane manner.

The Bolivian ban was called the world’s first in a ban on all animals in circuses, so the country is quite ahead of others in their animal welfare in this entertainment category.

The mother of the cubs rescued had to be euthanized because she was deemed too frail for the 12 hour cargo flight to San Francisco. Although lions in the wild may live up to 40 years, the mother lion was only 18.

Many of Bolivia’s circus animals went through numerous unnatural procedures such as having their fangs cut or their claws ripped out (without anesthesia) so that trainers and performers could use them in acts such as sticking their heads in the lion’s mouths.

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One Response to “Lions Head To Bob Barker Supported Refuge Under Bolivian Circus Animal Ban Law”

  1. Meatless Mouthful–How Bob Barker Got Involved With Animals Says:

    […] headquarters. Recently, lion cubs freed under the new Bolivian law banning animals in circuses were sent to a refuge made possible by a generous donation from […]