Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrendan Hines Hopes To Give Up Fish Meat One Day


Brendan Hines recently became a pescatarian who thinks he may one day stop salivating for flipper as well.

“Soon, eventually, I will maybe consider phasing out the fish, but right now it’s the only thing giving me protein,” Hines told MNN.

Unlike Common, the actor who plays Eli Loker, an expert in deception detection in Lie To Me, doesn’t grasp the fact that fish is meat.

Even more insane, why does Hines think these endangered little fishies are the only items that will give him protein? Somebody tell this guy to take on the role of a nutritionist so he can study up for the part!

The UK Vegetarian Society has listed various non-animal sources of protein, mostly vegan, along with the amount of protein in a serving of each source and whether the amount is considered good, fair or poor.

Chickpeas, beans, tofu and lentils rank highest, with brown rice containing a fair amount of protein that might need buffing up with a little stir fry tofu.

They’ve even gone so far as to list combinations you can eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner to get the minimum recommended daily allowance.

There are plenty of plant sources of protein. You don’t  have to eat fish.

And that’s no deception.

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One Response to “Brendan Hines Hopes To Give Up Fish Meat One Day”

  1. Selina Says:

    Unless you’re allergic to “chickpeas, beans, tofu and lentils”, in addition to dairy, peanuts, and a bunch of other foods… So according to their website, I would need to eat 6 eggs or 12 slices of bread to get enough protein – not going to happen!! I think it would be pretty much impossible for me to be a vegetarian and still be healthy. I have enough trouble getting the right nutrients being a pescetarian…