Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Rejected Airport Body Scan Ad Prompts Safety Concerns About Technology

PETA Body Scan Ad

PETA Body Scan Ad

Another provocative PETA ad was rejected, this time by Southwest Airlines, which was meant to convey that going vegetarian would give you such a great physique, there’d be no need to feel self-conscious at the security scanner.

The scanner, which relies on backscatter technology to give a nude-like image of a body to reveal hidden weapons, has been under scrutiny in the past because of safety and health  concerns.

According to Centredaily, some professors in biochemistry, biophysics and experts in imaging, cancer and crystals wrote to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, saying the scanners could expose the skin to high dosages of radiation that could result in health problems, especially in children, pregnant women, seniors, and those with immune system issues.

Dr. Alexander Garza, the assistant secretary for health affairs and chief medical officer for the department, said, “The risk is so low it’s almost negligible.”

Plus, he added, worried fliers can always reject the X-Ray vision technology scanner and go for the old fashioned feel you up, otherwise known as the pat down version at security check.

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