Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde To Protest McDonald’s In McCruelty Campaign In Philadelphia


Reports from The Philadelphia Inquirer say Chrissie Hynde will protest outside the McDonald’s at 40th and Walnut Streets in University City in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Thursday, May 27, for the PETA McCruelty “I’m Hatin’ It” campaign, aimed at the fast food giant for refusing to switch to a more humane way of slaughtering chickens, something its European outlets have already done.

The protest comes just days after McDonald’s made another decision that lowered its favorability with animal rights activists when it refused to switch even 5% of its eggs to cage-free.

Hynde will be present to pass out Unhappy Meals, featuring creepy looking horror movie Ronald McDonalds, mangled plastic chickens and ketchup packets mimicking fake blood.

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