Quantcast Vegetarian StarGillian Jacobs “Community” Star Loves Angelica Kitchen’s Tofu Sandwich

31st Annual College Television Awards - Press Room

When Gillian Jacobs moved from New York to Los Angeles to begin her career as Britta Perry on Community, she missed a lot of things about the Big Apple she couldn’t find in LA.

Like NYC’s Angelica Kitchen and its tofu sandwich.

Jacobs misses the sandwich so much, she told TV Squad it would be the number one thing she’d have her friends ship her across the country.

Note: The air travel from NY to LA totally cancels out the eco friendliness of eating a vegan sandwich, so hopefully she’ll only enjoy the meal when visiting home.

“This is gonna sound so boring and bizarre, but the thing I miss the most is this tofu sandwich from this vegan restaurant, and I’m not even a vegan. But I just really miss the tofu sandwich from Angelica’s Kitchen. I can’t explain it to you.”

The current menu at Angelica’s lists two tofu sandwiches, the “Sam or I” and the “Marinated Tofu Sandwich.”

Sam or I contains an herbed baked slice of soy goodness with marinated hiziki and arame, grated daikon, ruby kraut, sesame spread and lettuce between a mixed grain or spelt bun.

The marinated version contains a lemon herbed baked tofu with roasted vegetables, parsley-almond pesto and lettuce served on the same bread choices as the Sam or I.

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