Quantcast Vegetarian StarGwyneth Paltrow Wants Yoga In Inner City Schools

Gwyneth Paltrow All Smiles After Talking With GMA

We hear Gwyneth Paltrow is interested in putting yoga into the curriculum at inner city schools.

Before you roll eyes and insert snide remark about making fixing the outdated buildings and designing  programs to raise standardized test scores a priority, it may interest you to know the kids in South Central LA, an area known for violence and poverty, are already bending themselves in pretzels.

Accelerated School, named School of the Year by Time magazine, found these classes raised self-esteem and made students more mellow, which resulted in less disciplinary issues in the classroom, according to Yoga Therapy Web.

The same site mentions a study that found that students’ GPAs have been correlated with the degree of participation in YogaEd, a 36 week children’s yoga program.

Gwyneth will provide the cat-stretch and downward-facing dog.

John Salley will create the menu filled with vegetarian entrees.

And Rachael Ray will set up the gardens in the schoolyard from which food is grown and obtained every semester.

It’s celebrities to the rescue to take back the public school system!

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