Quantcast Vegetarian StarDoes Otarian’s Carbon Counts Provide Too Much Information?

opening of Otarian, a new low carbon vegetarian restaurant New York City

Otarian, the chain of vegetarian fast food restaurants created by the female half of the famous billionaire Oswal couple, provides a menu to its customers that indicates the amount of carbon used in creating the plant based meal versus a similar meat version.

Is that too much information?

An article at MNN, discusses whether we are getting information overload when we’re hungry, and if the calories, fat, carbon count and source of food may overwhelm the average consumer.

“At some point, having too much information might actually hurt, because it may start to confuse,” said Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

As vegetarians, we usually never have enough information, as we demand all ingredients, the surface the food is cooked on, what it touches, etc.

Seems like there is nothing wrong with providing a pamphlet of information about the food you eat, as long as it is accurate. And it helps you make more healthful decisions, as some cities like New York and Seattle are requiring places to post calorie content next to items.

When it comes down to it, the hungry consumer will treat the extra information like a spouse treats a nagging partner: Take what you need from the conversation and tune out 99% of the rest.

Or, they’ll just double check for trans-fat before devouring the potato wedges.

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