Quantcast Vegetarian StarScott Jurek May Enjoy Sriracha Hot Sauce On His Rice And Veggies

Scott Jurek.  Photo: New York Times

Scott Jurek. Photo: New York Times

Scott Jurek and Christian Serratos may have something in common.

No, he doesn’t spend his days running with vampires and unlike Serratos’ character’s friends in the Twilight series, this guy is vegetarian because he really doesn’t eat animals, not just restraining himself from the occasional, enticing human he encounters on a jogging trail (we hear the ones who eat meat are the slowest, thus more likely to get eaten).

Seen here on the table next to chef Jurek is what looks very much like a bottle of Sriracha sauce, a Thai hot sauce Serratos loves to add a dash to vinegar and oil when making her own salad dressing.

Compare and say what you think.

The distinctive green cap and fiery red color makes it look as if we’ve made the right call.

Is this something Jurek uses to light a fire to his feet for those 24 hour running marathons?

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