Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachael Ray Says Money Spent On School Lunch Is “Ridiculous”

TimesTalk Presents Rachael Ray, Nora Ephron, Julie Powell & Kim Severson

Rachael Ray recently went to Capitol Hill to spend four hours speaking with lawmakers on the need to make changes to the Child Nutrition Act, according to the New York Times.

Specifically, they need to put their money where the mouths are!

Ray called the reimbursement rates for school lunches “ridiculous.”

“How could you go to any state in the union and say you are not for an extra couple of cents to eradicate hunger, to make our kids healthier, stronger, better focused?” she said. “It doesn’t make any sense that you would even have to have a long conversation about that, to me.”

The celebrity chef known to incorporate many vegetarian entrees in her cooking repertoire has already worked with the New York City school system to create healthier changes, such as pasta dishes with whole wheat pasta instead of white.

New York senator Kristen E. Gillibrand wants an increase in spending by $.70 per child, while the current bill is aiming for a mere $.06.

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