Quantcast Vegetarian StarLynda Stoner Says Pets Meant To Be Carnivores

The People's Choice Awards 1998

Australian actress and animal rights activist Lynda Stoner thinks dogs and cats were meant to eat meat.

She feels so guilty about feeding animals another animal that she told The Scavenger she doesn’t think she can get another pet if it means killing one to feed another.

“Before my son was born I had three little dogs who were vegetarian (during my dictatorial years) and I must say they bloomed and flourished. However with our last dog I revised my views on denying him his natural carnivorous state.”

“Vowed I would not get another companion animal if it meant another animal had to die to feed my chosen one/s. Besides, the grief we went through when Lobo died was it for me. So my life has been blessed with the company of animals but I doubt I will go there again. Perhaps a rabbit…or two…”

The debate over whether a cat or dog can live as a healthy vegetarian has support on both sides.

The Vegetarian Society in the UK warns to exercise caution when feeding dogs vegetarian diets and says never allow a cat to go meatless.

And one vegan cat food brand, Vegecat Kibble Mix, was found to have multiple nutritional inadequacies, especially the much needed taurine for cats.

On the other hand, a 2006 study in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association found cats fed a vegetarian diet usually had adequate levels of B12 and taurine.

Maybe the key is to make and supplement it yourself.

Any experiences or suggestions?

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