Quantcast Vegetarian StarCommon Eats Vegan Pepperoni Pizza At D.C. Busboys And Poets

Common Celebrate Just Wright

Rapper and actor Common had his publicist take care of the daunting task of asking about ingredients for his lunch at Busboys and Poets for an interview with the Washington Post.

The Just Wright actor got a vegan pepperoni pizza with soy cheese and faux meat with lots of other veggies on a whole wheat crust.

“I think the way we choose to eat is definitely important,” he said. “I was vegan for a minute and I really commend those who can eat vegan. Then I was vegetarian. Now I eat fish, but I try not to eat too much dairy. I’m excited about this pizza.”

Common shared a story about when he did an ad for People with the Ethical Treatment of Animals that his family and friends saw on a billboard in New York.

“They put those ads up on this billboard in Brooklyn and my friends would ride past it and just laugh,” he said. “It did look kind of funny.”

Apparently, this vegan pizza at Busboys and Poets in Washington, D.C. is darn good, because Common ordered another one “to go.”

And these are some of the most veggie friendly waiters and bards in the district.

Besides “The Vegan” pizza with “vegan mozzarella, mushroom, onion, green and red peppers, vegan pepperoni with marinara or garlic and oil on a whole-wheat crust,” Busboys and Poets also offers vegan calzones, falafel, veggie burgers, vegan queasadillas and coconut tofu bites with plum sauce.

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