Quantcast Vegetarian StarProject Rant “Control Freak Vegetarian Bitch” Video–Stop Asking About Ingredients

RANT 071: Control Freak Vegetarian Bitch

Project Rant | MySpace Video

Project Rant features actors reenacting complaints from the anonymous “rants and raves” placed on Craig’s List.

Control Freak Vegetarian Bitch was posted by someone who didn’t like his or her dinner date asking the manager if the bun for the veggie burger had dairy in it.

Or if the beans could be ordered without butter.

Or if the portobello mushroom cap was grilled on the same grill with meat.

“You make it impossible for me to enjoy myself at a restaurant. I know why you do this. You want to have some small bit of power so you can wield it like some sort of fu*king flag. I think this is the real reason why you are a vegetarian. You like bullying the wait staff into listing the ingredients of every item and how each one is prepared.”

“It’s so embarrassing to go out to eat with you because I know you’ll pull this sh*t.”

Well, well.

It’s so obvious this was written after a fight or breakup with the vegetarian significant other.

There’s more and it just gets nastier in the above video.

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