Quantcast Vegetarian StarVanessa Williams House Clean Up Included Toxic Cosmetics

opening night performance of the Broadway revival of 'Promises, Promises' New York City

Vanessa Williams was surprised to find out there were so many harmful ingredients in bath and beauty products.

Celebrity Baby Scoop quoted her as saying, “I’ve been a vegetarian and a devotee of holistic medicine for years. But nothing prepared me for the… harmful toxic chemicals that are in our cosmetics and shampoos… I was trying to get rid of everything in my house that had sodium lauryl sulfates, parabens, and other chemicals.”

You’ve made the decision to stop eating or eat less meat and are finally weening yourself off dairy.

You buy organic produce, nothing white goes in your stomach and think trans fat is a word so dirty, the FCC should ban it.

So why are you still using lotion with polyethylene glycol, otherwise known as PEG, a class of compounds in moisturizers that enhance the penetration of ingredients besides moisture–like heavy metals.

A trip to the Cosmetics Database and typing your favorite shampoo or brand may give you a valuable lesson and make you rethink what soap to buy next week.

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One Response to “Vanessa Williams House Clean Up Included Toxic Cosmetics”

  1. nancy Says:

    It comes as a surprise that Vanessa is so concerned about toxins in cosmetics when she is a spokesperson and open about using Botox.