Quantcast Vegetarian StarEPA Lisa Jackson Shies Away From Meat Advice For Earth Day

EPA Declares Greenhouse Gases A Danger To Human Health

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency is playing it safe.

During an interview with Treehugger where she gave some tips for saving the planet, Jackson wonderfully included great foodie tips like planting a garden and growing organic produce as well as reducing waste by composting scraps.

But she won’t tell you to implement Meatless Mondays in your household, office or school.

Especially after that intern of the EPA wrote that horrible, offensive, nasty blog about how eating less meat is better for the environment, as less animal waste runs off into the water and less gases are emitted from cow farms.

No, the EPA administrator didn’t mention that everyone in the U.S. going vegetarian for one day would save 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply almost every home in New England for 4 months.

Or 70 million gallons of gas, enough to fuel all the cars in Canada and Mexico.

But she desperately needs to avoid American Farm Bureau protesters and animal industry lobbyist who want to ensure their tax dollars aren’t being spent on college interns blogging about tofu, so we give her credit for trying.

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