Quantcast Vegetarian StarEPA Intern Angers After Blogging About Meat Industry, Vegetarians

Cattle at a feeding station

An EPA intern has angered members of the American Farm Bureau Association by posting on the EPA’s blog the idea that eating less meat and going vegetarian can help the environment.

Nicole Reising wrote:

“There are a variety of different environmental impacts that occur due to the production of meat:

Air pollution due to dust and liquid manures.
Fossil fuels, water, and land over-use
Rainforest erosion and destruction for pasture land
Water contamination due to animal waste”

Reising suggests going vegetarian or vegan to combat these problems, and emphasizes the numerous sources of plant proteins like seitan and soy.

“While this is a position taken by an intern of the agency, EPA should control its blog space,” said AFBP President Bob Stallman. “What is written on its blog comes across as its official position toward farmers and ranchers that it regulates and shows a terrible disregard for them and the agriculture industry.”

Animal industry advocate and lobbyist Steve Kopperud,  posted an online response stating this was definitely not what his taxes were paying for.

“I’m at a loss to understand how a taxpayer-supported government agency can give the time and access to an intern to spread what can only be described as incredibly naïve, but politically volatile misinformation.”

You can read Reising’s entire post on the EPA blog, as well as over 20o responses to it.

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5 Responses to “EPA Intern Angers After Blogging About Meat Industry, Vegetarians”

  1. Trinity Says:

    I notice everyone is afraid of offending the meat industry…I will take them down myself. lol

  2. Dan Says:

    hah, I’m pretty sure those clap-havin jezabels are using a LOT more taxpayer money to subsidize their program.

  3. EPA Lisa Jackson Shies Away From Meat Advice For Earth Day Says:

    […] after that intern of the EPA wrote that horrible, offensive, nasty blog about how eating less meat is better for the environment, as less animal waste runs off into the […]

  4. Trinity Says:

    The government is after the vegetarian intern now. wow!

  5. Sucheta Says:

    Why is all the blame being put on the intern? Do some people think that she/he is an easier target or do not want to take the blame themselves? Are people afraid of blaming others? Did the intern get her post revised by a superior?
    The intern was just trying to do her job.