Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Never Eats Out–American “Idol Gives Back” Show

American Idol Gives Back

Carrie Underwood told US Magazine at the American Idol Gives Back show that she rarely eats out at restaurants.

“I think the hardest thing about what I do is eating [healthy] because we’re all over the place,” Underwood said.

“It’s fast food, there’s aftershow food, you get pizza, whatever,” she added. “I don’t do that. I don’t eat out ever.”

“Every once in a while I have a day off and I might go to a restaurant — but no aftershow food and I keep my fridge stocked.”

Carrie’s reluctance to go out may have a lot to do with her vegetarian diet.

Not every part of the country is as vegetarian friendly as others, especially the parts of the United States that boo her for announcing she’s veg on stage.

Still, this gal could use an iphone application like VegOut every once in awhile to navigate her way to the nearest veg friendly restaurant.

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