Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachelle Carson Begley Raves About Bella Ve Natural Products

EcoStiletto.com's One-Year Anniversary Party - Arrivals

Rachelle Carson Begley is talking about a new line of earth friendly skincare products.

Bella Vé Natural Skin Care products contain ingredients found in nature like aloe vera and are described as “chemical and cruelty-free” on its website.

Cruelty-free can have different meanings, from the finished product not being tested on animals to containing no animal ingredients at all, and it’s not clear from the site what definition Bella Vé uses.

A few of the ingredients listed in the cleansers, toners and moisturizers (which can be checked against an animal ingredient database) can be obtain from animals or available in synthetic, such as urea, allantoin and glycerin.

Depending on your level of ethics, more investigation may be needed.

“I was excited to finally find a skin care line that nourishes, hydrates and fights aging, all while fitting into my active and ‘green’ lifestyle. When I first started using Bella Vé products, I immediately noticed a difference in the texture, fine lines, and firmness of my skin. Bella Vé products have truly made a difference in my skin, while also saving me time in my daily routine. I highly recommend them to everyone.”

Bella Vé bottles and jars are also recyclable.

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