Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Play Dead” Using Dead Animal Parts For Football Zombie Film

Play Dead is a new zombie comedy that combines the football fanaticism of Friday Night Lights with the horror of Night of the Living Dead.

A high school football team is murdered by a rival team in a football obsessed town.

A witch brings them back to life to take the championship and save their own souls, complete with gory play by plays.

In this clip, director Doug Sakmann makes a horse corpse from meat bought from a supermarket.

Completely disgusting and uncalled for, especially considering how easy it is to make fake flesh props for the screen like those used in Suck.

Feel sorry for actress Kate Boyer, who’s standing around the mess and is reportedly a vegan.

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6 Responses to ““Play Dead” Using Dead Animal Parts For Football Zombie Film”

  1. stephanie Says:

    what vegan wouldn’t throw a fit about that? unless….she didn’t realize they were real parts which i find doubtful.

  2. Fran Says:

    The animals are dead. Who cares?

  3. brail Says:

    its dead people eating dead animals, see it would be bad if they were alive because that would just be…. terrible, live eating the dead.also the footprint (carbon) of a plastic prosthetic is probably 10 fold greater than a chunk of flesh, and i am sure the parts were given to the horses to eat in the end because all horses tun into jello in the end anyway, so it was a dead on dead then animal on animal crime, no one loses except vegetarians and the local chineses restaurant.

  4. larry Says:

    dead animals, cheaper than fake dead animals. also more realistic in my opinion. you vegans must be angry about any dead animals anywhere so i guess i understand.

  5. Curly Says:

    zombie movies have a rich tradition of using real animal parts.

    welcome to the party.

  6. “Play Dead” Director Doug Sakmann Responds To Dead Animal Parts Criticism Says:

    […] we reported on the use of real animal parts in the zombie football movie about a team of dead players coming back for the […]