Quantcast Vegetarian StarJames Cromwell John Salley “Avatar” Event With Vegetarian Talk

Night of 100 Stars - Arrivals

Actor James Cromwell and NBA legend John Salley will speak to high school students on the benefits of a vegetarian diet after they watch the movie Avatar.

On Thursday, the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Avatar director and writer James Cameron will take 5,000 students from Los Angeles schools to the Nokia Theatre where they will watch the movie and discuss its environmental themes, according to Look to the Stars.

Afterwards, Cromwell and Salley will discuss how to preserve the earth by following a vegetarian diet.

The event is part of the Eco Warrior training and competition where high school students give speeches with the theme of “An Environmental Lesson I Learned From Avatar and How to Apply it in My Community.”

Scholarships totaling $12,000 will be awarded and the winners will be announced during Cromwell and Salley’s visit.

Meeting three celebrities in one day, plus the chance to receive money for college?

Now that’s what you call a field trip!

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