Quantcast Vegetarian StarKate Nash New Diet May Help Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms

The MOJO Honours List 2009 - Arrivals

Kate Nash is becoming the new fascinating and quirky girl of the month.

She’s a vegetarian who still craves cheeseburgers, but stopped eating meat because she had this OCD-like obsession that her pet rabbit Fluffy wouldn’t die of an illness if she didn’t eat animals.

Now, the Times Online is reporting that she feels being vegetarian has helped her OCD.

A new alternative medicine for mental health?

“Being vegetarian helped me control my other OCDs. I don’t have to fold the tea towel now, or worry about the sock hanging out of the drawer. It’s fine, just leave it, I’m veggie.”

Not sure what to make of that statement.

Is Kate saying that being vegetarian makes her feel so calm and mellow, she doesn’t stress about re-folding the towels dozens of times until she gets it right?

Or maybe her new meat and dairy free diet is feeding her brain the nutrients she needs.

A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry titled Inositol Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, inositol, a chemical thought to play a role in serotonin balance, was effective in treating panic, depressive and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

The best sources of inositol are in fruits and vegetables, as well as beans.

Lima beans, for example, contain a whopping 180 milligrams of inositol per 1/2 cup, well over the recommended 100 daily milligram requirement.

You can view a list of food sources and their inositol content here.

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