Quantcast Vegetarian StarBetty White Naked Wiener At Pink’s Hot Dogs Helps Wieners

American Women In Radio & Television 2010 Genii Awards - Show

Betty White likes her wieners naked.

So that’s why Pink’s Hot Dogs is serving a completely plain dog in honor of Betty at the grand opening of their new restaurant in Universal City.

The actress will appear at the restaurant on Monday at 10AM for the celebration, according to The Laist.

There are two fantastic parts to this story.

First, Pink’s Hot Dogs has a vegan dog available.

There are several celebrity signature versions of dogs and the “Patt Morrison Baja Veggie Dog” is a vegan hot dog topped w/fresh guacamole, chopped tomatoes and chopped onions.

Second, for every Betty “Naked in the City” hot dog ordered, a portion of the profits will go to support the Los Angeles Department of Animal Services’ animal shelters.

Do a double good deed and ask for a vegan Betty’s naked hot dog.

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5 Responses to “Betty White Naked Wiener At Pink’s Hot Dogs Helps Wieners”

  1. Betty White Supports Morris Animal Foundation–More On Its Research Says:

    […] from the hot dog named after her and from her own mouth, Betty White’s no […]

  2. nickichai Says:

    The “Betty White” dog is only available at the Universal City Walk location of Pink’s — and they do not have vegan dogs there.

  3. Romina Says:

    Is the dog really vegan? I hope so, and if so, I do wish Betty White another 89 years in show biz!

    Great Job Betty!

  4. Kat Says:

    wow I didn’t know they had a vegan hot dog! This whole time I was passing them up when friends wanted to go…this is why I ♥ Vegetarian Star 🙂

  5. Alissa Says:

    The Vegan dog is so good, even my carnivore boyfriend liked it when he tasted mine. I always get the Pat Morrison dog and it’s SO yummy. Very time I come home to LA, I go to Pinks and get one! Love! It!