Quantcast Vegetarian StarTiffani Thiessen “Eat Humane” WSPA Campaign (Video)

Tiffani Thiessen has partnered with the World Society for the Protection of Animals to spread the word about the organization’s Eat Humane Campaign.

The campaign is meant to educate the public to read food labels to determine if meat, poultry, and dairy was produced humanely.

“Look for cage-free eggs, free-range poultry or grass fed meat,” Thiessen says in the PSA above.

The White Collar actress feels that by doing so, everyone can make a difference in the lives of animals, whether they eat meat or not.

“Eating doesn’t have to be black and white – eat meat or be a vegetarian,” she said in a press release. “The more important thing is that you should make educated choices when buying your food, which can be confusing and misleading with the food labeling system. It is hard to know what you are really purchasing and that is why I filmed this PSA – I wanted to help WSPA inform people about what the labels really mean.”

For more information on the Eat Humane campaign, visit Eathumane.org.

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One Response to “Tiffani Thiessen “Eat Humane” WSPA Campaign (Video)”

  1. Tiago Says:

    So, she is in favor of “humane” murder.

    There is not such thing as humane meat.