Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian iPhone App By Faizal Mohammed Scans Ingredients (Video)

There’s nothing worse than digging into your favorite microwave pack of sesame noodles, only to later find out there’s fish seasoning in the dehydrated packet.

Developer Faizal Mohammed knew this pain, and created two iphone applications, one for vegetarians and one for those who eat halal.

When you take a picture of the list of ingredients, the app scans the pic and looks for unacceptable ones.

Treehugger says an iPhone 3GS is necessary to take a legible photo of the ingredients that can be read by the scanner.

As of now, only additives are included in the app, which is good, because most of those are the names we don’t quickly recognize.

The one downside is that ingredients such as “natural flavors” can’t be decoded with the app, since the source of the flavors doesn’t have to be listed.

In the future, more ingredients will be added to the database.

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